Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week Three :)

I lead the High School girls disciplship group agian!!! First we started off with some ice breakers. I had 20 cottonballs in little containers with different liquids on each one, they had to smell and try to guess what each liquid was. The second ice breaker was that they each had a sticky note on their back with a famous person/character on it. Their task was to go around asking people questions about themselves so that they could try and figure out who they were. The last ice breaker we did was called garggle a song, and they did just that. They had to garggle the tune of a song while everyone else tried to guess what it was. This week we talked about Beauty in the eyes of the beholder! I gave my roomate a makeover while talking about how girls work so hard on making their outside appearance beautiful and what we really need to be working on is the inside appearance. So I took each part (eyes, lips, nose, hair etc) and explained how we can make the beautiful in the eyes of the Lord!

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