Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Week Nine :)
Gross! I very much do NOT like the rain!!! Just puts you in this tired, don't wanna do anything mood. Well, that's the mood I had tonight on my way to discipleship group. I really didn't feel like going but I made myself. Then hardly any girls showed up so that was discouraging. But I prayed, I asked that God would speak to even just one of those girls. Well, we started off with a few ice breakers. One was where each girl had a sheet of paper that had every letter of the alphabet on it and they had to go around the room finding out things about the other girls that had to start with each letter. Then we played a game called wink murder. One girl is the detective and goes outside the room while I anonymously pick the "murderer" (with everyone's eyes closed) then the detective comes into the middle of the circle and has 3 guesses to figure out who the murderer is. If another girl is winked at by the murderer then she "dies" and the detective needs to figure out who the murderer is before she kills everyone. It's better with a larger group but we still had alot of fun. Tonight was the continuation of purity but because they're wasn't alot of girls we didn't want to do the lesson we had planned, so we prepared for next week. Next week we are having boys come in and we're asking them questions to show the girls how different the minds of girls and guys are. So this week we had each of the girls anonymously write down 3-6 questions that they would ask us (the youth leaders) and 3-6 they'd ask the guys coming in. After that we sat around and talked about anything they may have had questions on and it was just a good relaxed time, which I think was something we needed. All the girls seemed to have a really good time so I was glad. God took something that just seemed to be taking a turn for the worst and turned it into a really good time :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Week Eight :)
This past Sunday was the Barn Bash!!! It was alot of fun :) I know a couple of the guys from Atlantic so it was good to see them again! I found that the youth ministry majors were the ones who were getting into the concert more than the youth were; haha. But once they saw us getting excited they soon joined in. Wednesday was our second week of our purity series. We started off the night with a few ice breakers. First we got into groups of four and had to pass around the paper four times each person adding to a story. First an intro; introducing a main character. Then a conflict with a villian. Then a battle; introducing a hero. And ending with a conclusion summing up the story. Then we got to read them, they were very funny because you were adding to a story that you knew nothing about. Our second ice breaker the girls had to draw whatever it was I told them on a piece of paper behind their back, and I had them jumping all over the place, it was a good time when they finally looked at their pictures. The last ice breakers we did was a race. The girls split into two teams and each of them put a tooth pick in their mouths. The race was to see who could pass a lifesaver all the way down the line and back first and you had to keep the toothpick in your mouth without touching it. (I took lots of pictures) Then Kendra and Sarah spoke on purity again from the book "The Bride Wore White." This time they started out the lesson with a clip from the movie "What A Girl Wants" A great way to get the girls attention right from the start.
Week Seven :)
This week started our purity series. We started off with an ice breaker where we had 20 items in bags and the girls had to reach in and feel the items and try to guess what was in each bag. Then Kendra spoke on purity. She started off the lesson with a Chris Rice song, and she read from the book "The Bride Wore White."
Week Six :)
We started off the night with Charades. The girls got into pairs and each got a movie that they were supposed to act out and the other teams had to guess which movie they were trying to act out. Amanda spoke that night and her lesson was on standing out. In high school teenagers are always so eager to fit in with the crowd so she talked about standing out for Christ. Also she talked about how prayer in little amounts throughout the day was one way that she grew alot closer to God then trying to feel like she had to take a huge chunck out of her day to set aside.
Week Five :)
I spoke again this week, I got asked to do it about 2 hours before the classes started because the girl that was supposed to do it couldn't make it; so I had to come up with something fast but it was fun. We started off with a few ice breakers. Alot of the girls still didn't know each others names so we played a few name games. First we went around in a circle saying our names and what we wanted to do when we "grew up" and each girl that went had to say their and repeat the others of all the girls before her. Secondly we went around the circle and each answer six questions about ourselves so that each of the girls could get to know each other better. The lesson was on judging others. So on big sheets of paper we listed the sterotypical groups in school and then named characteristics of each group. Then we read a few verses from the Bible on what God says about judging others. . . We should not look past the log in our own eye only to point on the speck in our neighbors, and ... we are allowed to judge people but ONLY by thier fruits.
Week Four :)
My job has no become the girl who does the ice breakers each week, and I love it. So this week we played to games. First I took a bunch of random items and placed then in a bag. Each girl had to randomly pick out one item and tell a story of their week that pertained to that item. Second we played a game called moods. Each girl is given two pieces of paper, one has a mood on it and one has a phrase on it. The girls then need to say the phrase according to whatever mood they have and the other girls have to guess what mood it is. It's quite funny because alot of the times the moods don't match up with the phrases at all. Ashlyn spoke this week and he lesson was on secrets. Everyone has a secret and sometimes teenagers feel like they can't talk to anyone about thier secrets because people will judge them, this turns out to be bad alot of the times. So Ashyn made it clear to the girls that they can come to any of us at anytime if they are struggling and we will always be there to help. Then we got into prayers groups to individually pray for any of the girls that were struggling with anything at that time.
Week Three :)
I lead the High School girls disciplship group agian!!! First we started off with some ice breakers. I had 20 cottonballs in little containers with different liquids on each one, they had to smell and try to guess what each liquid was. The second ice breaker was that they each had a sticky note on their back with a famous person/character on it. Their task was to go around asking people questions about themselves so that they could try and figure out who they were. The last ice breaker we did was called garggle a song, and they did just that. They had to garggle the tune of a song while everyone else tried to guess what it was. This week we talked about Beauty in the eyes of the beholder! I gave my roomate a makeover while talking about how girls work so hard on making their outside appearance beautiful and what we really need to be working on is the inside appearance. So I took each part (eyes, lips, nose, hair etc) and explained how we can make the beautiful in the eyes of the Lord!
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